- Your child needs you. This is particularly true when parents aren’t getting along. Separation from your wife might be a blessing to your children, but don’t leave them until you can be certain that they will have the time with you that they need. If she leaves and is keeping them from you, you must act quickly for their sake.
- After custody is set, even on a temporary basis, it is hard to change. Don’t get fooled by an attorney that tells you that you can always go back later and get more time with your kids.
- Do not be intimidated by the court. The court may not be as fair to you as you deserve but it may be fairer to you than your ex-wife.
- Don’t take legal advice from your wife. Even in the most amicable divorces, it is possible that she will lie to you for her benefit.
- The divorce process can start fast. For example, in Kent County, in as few as 7 days, you could be standing in front of a Judge arguing about how much time you get to spend with your children. If there is any chance that your wife will file for divorce before you do, you must plan ahead to make sure you are ready for it.
If you are a dad and you want the best legal help for you, call an A.D.A.M attorney today.