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Prenuptial Agreements

When entering into a marriage, the last thing you want to think about is the possibility of the union ending in a divorce. At Arnson VanTol Law, PLC in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we focus on protecting men's rights by preparing prenuptial agreements so you are covered if the marriage ends.

Reasons for a Prenuptial Agreement

While it may seem to take the romance out of an impending marriage, prenuptial agreements are smart and proactive ways to disclose your assets and finances upfront and protect what you are bringing into the marriage. Many couples have prenuptial agreements prepared if they are entering their second marriage or there is a significant disparity in age and income. A prenuptial agreement can also make provisions for a family business, trust, or mutually owned property that should be protected for the sake of your family members.

Full Disclosure

The attorneys at Arnson VanTol Law, PLC recognize that a prenuptial agreement must be handled delicately. We encourage couples to fully disclose all finances and assets prior to generating any agreement. Handing your future wife a prenuptial agreement and asking her to sign it is a heavy-handed approach that we discourage.

Protecting What is Yours

Our law firm has gained a reputation for representing the best interests of men in divorce proceedings. Our men's rights lawyers also bring that diligence to prenuptial agreements. What is yours going into a marriage should remain yours if that marriage ends. Careful planning and preparation in protecting your assets and finances provides you with peace of mind.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment regarding a prenuptial or premarital agreement, please contact Arnson VanTol Law, PLC.

Arnson VanTol Law, PLC

As soon as you know you are facing a divorce or a criminal charge, you should seek competent counsel immediately. It may only require a quick call to an experienced lawyer at Arnson VanTol Law, PLC at 269-301-2326. Our attorneys focus on men's rights, and can help you determine if there are steps that you should take right away to protect your interests in any family law or criminal matter.

Contact Info

5955 W. Main
Kalamazoo, MI 49009

(269) 301-2326

Grand Rapids 
4328 - 3 Mile Road, NW, Suite 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49534

(616) 827-ADAM (2326)